Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in On Road and Rail (Google EIE)?

On Road Passenger transport covers all journeys by road and rail, including inter-city travel. Rail includes emissions from diesel consumption for trains and electricity consumption for trains and trams. On Road Freight transport covers emissions from light commercial road vehicles. Emissions from heavy commercial vehicles are currently excluded. Greenhouse gas emissions are produced directly by the combustion of fuel or indirectly by the use of grid-supplied electricity. National and state level emissions factors are sourced from the National Greenhouse Accounts Factors.

This method utilises activity data provided by Google Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) on passenger vehicle travel by different modes (automobile, train, tram, bus, and motorcycle) aggregated to the municipal boundary, and then converts this to estimated emissions. The activity data represents kilometres travelled for trips that are wholly within the municipal boundary (Scope 1) and trips that begin or end within the municipality boundary but not both (Scope 3). This method set is identified as ‘City-induced activity’ by the GPC.

Currently there are 169 municipalities with google EIE transport data which are predominantly inner-city municipalities with a population of >25,000. This methodology is applied to these municipalities from 2018.

For more information on On Road (Google EIE) transport calculations please see the Methodology document which can be downloaded from the Resources page.

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