Frequently Asked Questions

Where did Snapshot come from?

Snapshot came from a collaboration between Ironbark Sustainability and Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE). Both organisations were supporting councils and communities to identify their emissions to support council and community emissions reduction. We teamed up to deliver Snapshot to make understanding local emissions easy and accessible for everyone.

Nowadays, Ironbark has taken the reins on Snapshot Climate to ensure that it is updated, accurate and using the best available data.

The back-end tools were developed by Ironbark Sustainability over many years through our work with hundreds of councils. This included the development of the City of Melbourne and C40 Cities-led Greater Melbourne Emissions Profile, Sustainability Victoria’s Local Government Energy Savers (LGES) program for regional and rural councils, and 36 NSW councils through the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPE) climate programs (formerly the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment).

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